As a 'Newbie' friendly provider, I find myself frequently being asked the same questions. So to write it down in an accessible way to all seemed prudent at this point. This is intended to be Helpful & continue reading with that spirit in mind
*Please note that everything mentioned in this blog is based on my personal experience & the input of my several lovely partners. Others may have different methods/opinions.
Few things are more frustrating to a provider who's taken the time & care to write detailed ad copy, than to have a hobbyist inquire about Literally everything that's been thoughtfully laid out. Read the ad a Few times if necessary. I know that sounds tedious, but in the long run it will make things MUCH smoother for both parties. If & only IF... your questions aren't already answered via ad instructions, then reach out for clarification.
2) Follow Instructions
Once you've gotten a good command of the providers requests, reach out in the way that's been specified. Make sure to follow their steps & continue to do so with location, check points, etc. Each lady is unique in their business practices & structure. If you don't feel comfortable with one particular way, politely decline & move on. There are SO many Wonderful options. You need to find what your comfort level is, while still being Respectful of your potential date.
3) Be a Good Communicator
It's a total bummer to get stood up after getting all dolled up. Nobody likes that feeling. If something comes up & you're going to be late or miss an appointment, be sure to communicate that to your date. Also make sure to respond to any confirmation texts in a timely fashion to avoid miscommunications. This could be arranged ahead of time so there's no surprise if necessary.
For Example:
(Whenever I prebook an appointment I'll leave it up to the gentleman to confirm so that I don't need to worry about catching him at a bad time.)
So if we have an appointment 2 days from now at 4PM.... I'd say 'Shoot me a text on day "X" by noon to confirm & get instructions. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume something came up.'
*As I've stated above, all providers do this differently. I'm merely giving you an example of what that looks like. Whatever the method, the point is to be a good communicator.
4) Be on Time
If you happen to be early, shoot the provider a text letting her know that you're early, but NO RUSH. Most providers run on a schedule. Likewise, if you're running late, stuck in traffic, etc. let your date know. Think about a doctor's office waiting room. It's a butterfly effect when people aren't timely. Make sure to touch base so everyone is on the same page & if alternate arrangements need to be made, you both have an opportunity to do so.
5) Have Correct Donation
Don't haggle. Don't short. Do leave it where & how instructed. Some providers are quite specific with their instructions. But in any case, take care of the donation up front so everyone can relax & get comfortable.
6) Be Freshly Showered
If possible Come freshly showered, teeth brushed, wearing deodorant. I know that sounds terrible to say so bluntly, but Much better to read it bluntly in a blog.....than to be Told Bluntly in Person. If a shower isn't possible because you're coming straight from work, clarify with your date that there's access to a shower & toiletries. Any established provider WILL have that. Then take a quick, but THOROUGH shower. As one of my Fave gals has framed on her bathroom wall, 'WASH THOSE NADS & BUTTS!!!!'
7) Be a Gentleman
During your time with your date, remember that it is a Real person you're spending time with. They're unique & have feelings. Just because this is an arrangement, doesn't mean there shouldn't be a high level of Respect from both parties. Don't Ever treat a provider like you own her, or bought her for the hour. Don't push boundaries. That is a guaranteed block & your reputation will get flamed. (Unless of course, the exception being this is a 'fetish' arrangement specific to that sort of role play). Otherwise treat others the way you hope to be treated. No means NO & consent is Sexy!!!
8) Respect the Time
Book the amount of time you need. I hear my girlfriends complain Constantly about fellas booking lower amounts of time than they need, only to try & drag it out without compensation. The biggest frustration to them is that they feel taken advantage of & disrespected. They've expressed that it's insulting when someone wants to pay for a QV and get 45 minutes. So PLEASE just do the right thing & schedule accordingly or ADD more time.
It's my FAVORITE thing when I'm vibing with someone & they ask if more times available
9) Leave a Review
If you're planning on being an active member (some folks are more UTR, and that's ok too), and you're inclined, leave a review (AND VOUCH AFTER). It doesn't have to be complicated. Just what you feel would be helpful & pertinent to other hobbyist & even providers. It also gives the gal a platform to respond & communicate to other providers her experience with you. It makes screening in the future so much smoother! If you've left me a review and I've responded, other potential dates can skip the step of texting me to ask about my time with you, it's written out attached to my name.
10) Repeat
Variety is the spice of life!! There are SO many Fantastic providers here on the board. Do your research, read the ads, check reviews & alerts, and make sure you're choosing the right fit for you. And if you're mindful of these simple rules above, you'll be an established hobbyist with references under your belt in no time.
Happy Hobbying
Oh yeah.....
And a couple Quick Tips for good measure:
• Don't text d*ck pics
• Don't text 'hey girl' -
Hay is for horses!
• Don't be graphic
• Don't ask incriminating questions
• Don't text 'hi'
• Don't ask for a vouch when we've never even met! CrEEpY
• Don't ask for girls to set up dates with their friends(RUDE)
• Don't send butt pics
• Don’t text ‘what’s good’ -
My answer will Always be tacos!
• Don't constantly text because you're bored before you've even met her! Yikes
• Do manscape
• Do smell nice
• Do chew gum or mints
• Don’t text ‘are you free?’ -
My response will Always be ‘No, I’m expensive’
• Do Relax & Enjoy your time
• Do Not poop in her bathroom (please for the love of everything good! Unless it's a bathroom emergency & even then, use the Poo-Pouri)
• Do not bring a dog without asking permission
• Do bring a bottle of wine, or chocolate to share if you feel so inclined
• Do Not text 'What-Up' -
My response will Always be ‘the sky’
• Do come ready to have fun
• Do Not EVER show up unannounced
I'm sure I'll be adding things as my girlfriends vent or chime in